NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
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NLP Coaching and Mentoring: What is it?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is the exploration of how we think, communicate and change. Training in NLP leads to improved communication, increased motivation, developed confidence and greater success. It's also used to overcome barriers and blockages that have previously prevented people from achieving their goals.

There are many different types of mentoring and coaching, and NLP coaching and mentoring is just one. But even within this area, NLP coaching and mentoring can be considered as two separate disciplines:

NLP Coaching - This works best when you have a single objective or goal to achieve.

An NLP coach will help you to explore what you want to achieve and the best strategies and routes to achievement. A coach will always offer honest feedback, helping you to set realistic waypoints. Coaching really keeps the individual on track, helping them to stay focused during difficult times. The coach will help you to avoid the same pitfalls that they may have experienced while offering you proven alternative approaches. A coach will listen closely, offer sincere advice, but not always agree with you.

NLP Mentoring - This works best when you have several potentially conflicting goals to achieve. Mentoring can often take place over a longer time period than coaching.

An NLP mentor will help you set goals and provides you with someone to be answerable to, often helpful for senior managers or those who work alone. Your mentor will encourage you to move outside your comfort zone, to move beyond barriers that have prevented your growth in the past. Your NLP mentor will help you get back on track if you sometimes make a detour. Mentoring helps you to learn from your success and failures. A good mentor will always offer you further challenges to maintain your continuous progression.

An NLP Coach or Mentor offers you the skills, strategies and tools with which to tackle your objective and overcome problems or barriers to achievement. This One to One personal training requires a degree of honesty and a clear idea of what the person being coached or mentored wants to achieve.

Coaching and mentoring aren't always a comfortable experience. In both NLP coaching and mentoring, the coach has to challenge you, your perceptions, thought patterns and habits in order to help you overcome the barriers, visible and invisible that have prevented you from succeeding in the past.

As a result of NLP coaching and mentoring, individuals are empowered to build more fruitful relationships with other people. They plan more effectively and achieve more. Through leadership training, they guide their staff through even the toughest periods of change, keeping stress low and motivation high.

NLP mentoring and coaching is often achieved through face-to-face meetings. However, these days, with exceptional communication technology, NLP coaching and mentoring can be performed via the Internet, through tools such as Skype or in some cases, by telephone.

For further details on NLP Coaching see: NLP Coaching
,on NLP Mentoring - or a Video series -

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
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